Eyewear accessories

Eyewear Accessories at Optica Opticians Margao Goa

Optica Optician Margao, Goa  have a wide range of optical accessories, as we recognize the fact that eyewear accessories have become a style statement among the youth.

These are commonly called as Spectro chords, which are basically nylon threads that are designed to be attached to the sides of the frames, which not only offers support to the frames but also increases the cosmetic appeal of the wearer.

These are basically metallic in nature and are attached to the sides of the frames and give support to the frame by virtue of their sturdy nature and also enhance the looks since these are available in various designs.

Sports Band:
These are nylon threads, which could be attached to the sides of the sports eye wear and frames, thereby enabling the wearer to prevent the frame from falling down.

Contact lens Solutions:
These are used for cleaning, rinsing and disinfecting contact lenses and are offered along with them at the time of dispensing.

Lens Cleaner:
These are special solutions, which can be sprinkled on the surface of the lenses, and when wiped with the selvette cloth ensures that the spectacle lenses are clean and free from dust.

These are spectacle cases that come with a selvette cloth and are utilized to keep the spectacle lenses. These are available in both soft and hard form and are highly recommended as they ensure that the frames and spectacle lenses are safe.


Organize and protect your eyewear

Check out our eyewear accessories selection in store.